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Question Hunter

Find what people are searching

*Use 1 or 2 words for better result.

Ranking high on a SERP is difficult, and SEO optimization requires the right keywords. Explore endless possibilities of Longtail Keywords framed in customers' questions with the DigibleWeb's Question Hunter.
We're here to help you find what you are looking for
People Asked

Explore endless questions asked by millions over the internet using Google!

Brainstorm Ideas

Enter one or two keywords to generate new ideas of longtail keywords.

Google Autocomplete

Generates comlete list of longtail keywords options for keyword(s).

What is Question Hunter?

Question hunter is a free online tool that uses Google to find end-less ways how people form questions when they are searching the web. It uses geolocation features for localised searches and provides a comprehensive list of all possible log tail keywords based on the google autocomplete feature.

What are Longtail Keywords?

Longtail Keywords are keywords that have less competition than short tail keywords which means having lower search volumes. But these longtail keywords have higher conversion rates. These are the keywords that people use to find what they want online. Longtail keyword research helps you identify these types of keywords. You can then target your content towards those keywords to increase traffic.

Why Longtail Keywords are important?

When you're using SEO (Search Engine Optimization) if you want to target keywords that bring in a lot of traffic and get higher rankings on search engines. However, not all keywords are created equal. Broad keywords are generally easier to rank for and bring in more traffic. But if you're trying to rank for a specific phrase, you'll need to make sure that phrase brings in a lot of traffic before you invest time and money into optimizing your site.

How does Longtail Keyword works?

The best way to explain how long-tail keywords work is to give you an example. Let's say I'm looking at my search results for the term "cannabis seeds." If I were to type in "Running Shoes," I would get a lot of irrelevant websites. However, if I were to type in something like "Running Shoes for sale," I'd have much more success. Why? Because the first phrase is broad. It's not specific enough to narrow down the results. But the second phrase is more specific. It's longer and therefore gives me more relevant results.

So what does this mean for you? Well, it means that instead of trying to rank for terms like "Running Shoes," you should try ranking for phrases like "Running Shoes for sale." You'll find that you're getting more clicks, visitors, and sales.

How to use Question Hunter to find Longtail Keywords?

Exploring different possibilities of questions being asked on Google using long tail keywords you can use ‘Question Hunter’. You need to enter one or two keyword(s), based one your niche. Like if you are running a sports shoe store, use ‘Running Shoes’. You will get plethora of questions with long tail keywords along with the complete list of Goggle auto-complete suggestions.

What is Google autocomplete?

Google's auto-complete feature is a search engine tool that helps users type in their queries faster. When typing a query, Google suggests possible searches based on what people have previously searched for. If someone types "Running Shoe," Google might suggest "Running Shoe Deals."

This way Google makes searching easier by narrowing down the number of pages that need to be reviewed. It also saves time by not having to manually enter keywords.

In Question Hunter, this feature was in incorporated so that it can generate all possible options at once. So, less manual intervention.

How to use Longtail Keywords?

Once you've identified the right long tail keywords, you need to optimize them. Make sure that your page content is optimized for each keyword. Also, make sure that you have unique content for each long tail keyword.

You can use keyword research tool, to find the search volume, CPC, and competition against that keyword to make it a useful SEO strategy for your website.

Now that you know how to find and use longtail keywords, you can start ranking for them!

Is this tool free to use?

Yes, it is 100% free to use. No sign-up or subscription required. There is no limitation, you can use this tool as many times you want. But if you find this tool helpful please support us by sharing with your family, friends, and colleagues and please share this link in social media.


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