banned hashtags on instagram

Check Banned Hashtags

Detect and clean banned instagram hashtags

Make sure what you're posting isn't going to get you banned from Instagram. Check and clean your Instagram hashtags with DigibleWeb's Hashtag Checker before posting.
Say goodbye to banned hashtags!
No Need To Memorize

There is no need to remember all these banned hashtags when posting on Instagram.

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It takes just one click to get rid of all these banned hashtags and protect your account.

Hashtag Counter

There are 30 hashtags you can use on Instagram, and you can even use it as a hashtag counter.

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What is a banned hashtag on Instagram?

Banned hashtags are either spammed by bots or violate Instagram's community standards. If you use forbidden hashtags, Instagram's algorithm may mistake you for a bot, a spammer, or someone breaking their rules. It is highly recommended that you must avoid using these banned hastags.

Why Instagram has banned certain hashtags?

Instagram has banned hashtags in response to user complaints. It usually occurs as a result of people publishing improper stuff and utilizing specific hashtags. Some of the restricted hashtags, though, are ones you may not anticipate, such as #beautyblogger.

The majority of people would not publish harmful stuff with otherwise harmless hashtags. Instead, these postings are often made by bots or spam accounts, thus this is just another method that Instagram is attempting to crack down on these accounts to improve the Instagram platform for its genuine users. Instagram is fighting back in response to a surge in bogus accounts and misleading activity.

What to do if you accidentally use a banned hashtag on Instagram?

Although some hashtags are only prohibited temporarily, several are prohibited permanently. For example, they prohibited the hashtag #happythanksgiving since it was entirely overwhelmed with spam.

So, what happens if you use one of these forbidden hashtags? If you use these hashtags, your material will most likely not appear for that hashtag, and you may also be reported as spam. The repeated use of forbidden hashtags, which results in several flags to your account, may result in an Instagram shadowban or account cancellation.

Examples of Banned hashtags

Here are some examples of banned hashtags.

valentinesday, singlelife, happythanksgiving

Never get influenced by the high volume of media post for these hashtags. Always check before you use.

How many hashtags are banned from Instagram?

In fact, the number is quite large. The hashtag list increases every year as multiple blogs mention it, so you can find these hashtags on multiple blogs. When you add up all these hashtags, the number will be very close to 900.

It's an unexpectedly large number, isn't it?

How to identify banned hashtags on instagram?

This is extremely challenging, unless you know that hashtags are banned. The #happythanksgiving hashtag, for example, has more than 1.5 million posts, but is a banned hashtag. Therefore, if you use this hashtag in your posts, then you might be risking your account.

Using different online posts, you can create your own database of hastags. But in this case, you have to check every time you post against a very long list.

Instead, you can use an online tool that will do the job for you.

What is check banned hashtags and how it works?

This is a free online tool that searches for Instagram banned hashtags in your hashtag list, removes them, and returns a clean list of hashtags.

Using this tool, we search against a database of banned hashtags, which is updated every month, to identify banned hashtags from your list.

It also reports how many hashtags were recognized as banned, as well as the number of cleanned hashtags. Thus, it acts as a hashtag counter, showing you the total number of hashtags that you can use it in your post.

Is this tool free to use?

Yes, it is 100% free to use. No sign-up or subscription required. There is no limitation, you can use this tool as many times you want. But if you find this tool helpful please support us by sharing with your family, friends, and colleagues and please share this link in social media.


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