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Repurposing Content - What It Means and Why You Should Do It

admin Admin - 26 Feb 2023
what is content repurposing

In today's fast-paced world, it's more important than ever to quickly and efficiently communicate your message. But what if you've already written an article that covers a particular topic? Should you just throw it away and start over? Not necessarily! There are plenty of ways to repurpose content in digital marketing, and here we'll explore some of the best practices.

Importance of content in digital marketing

Content is king in digital marketing, so make sure you invest time and resources into creating quality content.

In order to be successful in digital marketing, it is important to have high-quality content that will engage your audience. By creating content that is engaging and informative, you can reach new customers and build a brand.

But how do you make sure your content is top-notch?

Top-notch quality content is content that is informative and interesting to an audience. It has the potential to have a high impact on your business, as users are more likely to be knowledgeable of certain subjects and more likely to listen to your pitch if they already know something about it. That means your content must have these criteria such as - It Should Be Easy to Read, readers should understand what is written, and it is easy to navigate through.

What is content repurposing?

Repurposing content refers to using previously published material in a new context.

It can be a great way to reach a new audience, keep your brand visible, and create more revenue for your business

While it may seem like a simple concept, there are many factors that need to be considered when repurposing content. By understanding the different types of repurposing, you can make better decisions about which material to use and when.

Content repurposing is different from content reuse

Content repurposing is often confused with content reuse.

While the two are similar in that they involve taking existing content and adapting it for a new purpose, they differ in their intended outcomes.

Content reuse is when an organization adapts the same piece of original content for different audiences with varying needs (e.g., for print vs. web).

Content repurposing is when an organization adapts different pieces of original content for the same audience (e.g., print vs. web).

The goal of this type of adaptation is to create a more holistic experience by offering value beyond the original piece of content itself; this could mean providing additional context or adding value through additional multimedia elements such as audio or video.

Types of Content Repurposing

There are a few types of content repurposing that you can use depending on the type of content you have and the goal you're trying to achieve.

1/ Repackaging content

This is where you take an existing piece of content and reformat it in a new way. For example, you could take a blog post and turn it into a video, SlideShare, or an infographic. This could be useful for delivering a new point of view, or for creating a new kind of visualization.

2/ Retelling content

This technique involves reformatting content into a new story in the form of a presentation, a comic strip, a cartoon, a graphic novel, or any other medium that's interesting to see and read. This method can also include some text and some images, but it's the story that is most important.

3/ Adapting content

This involves taking existing data that you've collected and using a content management system to create a summary, update, or In order to reach a broader audience.

4/ Recycling content

You take an existing piece of content and reuse it in a new way. For example, you could take a video and turn it into a blog post or an infographic.

5/ Remixing content

This is where you take two or more pieces of content and mix them together to create something new. For example, you could take a blog post and add some slides from a presentation to create a slideshow.

6/ Updating content

One option is to take old content and update it, making it more relevant to your current audience. Another option is to create new content based on old content, either by expanding on the original ideas or taking a different angle.

7/ Reshare Content

Sharing existing content on different platforms (e.g., blog posts on LinkedIn, Facebook updates, Twitter tweets, etc.) can be successful to help build your brand.

8/ Combine the content

This is similar to updating content, but here you combine existing content with new original content to create a new piece of content.

But what if you could repurpose that content and make it more useful?

There are many different types of content repurposing, each with its own benefits and drawbacks. Take a look at some of the most popular types of repurposing content.

Why content repurposing is important?

There are a few reasons why content repurposing is important:

  1. It can help you reach a wider audience. By sharing your content in different formats, you can expose it to people who might not have seen it otherwise. This can help attract inbound traffic, as well as outbound traffic, from a larger number of potential readers.
  2. It can help you save time and effort, and resources in creating new content. Instead of creating new content from scratch, you can reuse old content in a new way. This helps you stay on top of your content marketing goals without sacrificing quality.
  3. It can help you improve your SEO. Repurposed content is a great way to boost SEO. When you recycle old content, you give Google new opportunities to index it and rank it higher in search results. By publishing high-quality content on different websites, you can improve your search engine ranking and attract more traffic to your website.

Tips for effective content repurposing

So you've got a piece of content that's performing well, but it's reaching its natural end. What do you do? Repurpose it!

1/ Keep it short and sweet

When you're repurposing content, you want to make sure that it's easy for readers to digest. If you can keep your posts short and to the point, people are more likely to read them.

2/ Be strategic with your titles

When you're repurposing content, you want your titles to be catchy and attention-grabbing. If you can pique people's interest right from the start, they're more likely to read your post.

3/ Make use of social media

When you're repurposing content, make sure to post it on all of your social media channels. This will help you reach a wider audience and increase your traffic levels.

4/ Think outside the box

Don't just post your content in the same format, do experiment with different tones and styles, and use different types of repurposing to create new content.

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Is content repurposing legal?

Yes, content repurposing is legal as long as you have the rights to the original content.

It is still legal if you are using others' content, but make sure your repurposed content is different. For example, remaking the same film and calling it your own or using another author’s publications as your articles, in your blog is illegal. But if you are using someone else's work, keep it authentic and true to the original author. Also, make sure to have fair rights to protect yourself from copyright infringement.


Content repurposing is a great way to reach a wider audience and attract new readers. It can be difficult to find the right balance between repurposing old content and creating new content, but with some trial and error, you'll be able to find the right formula for your business. Have you tried any of these tips for content repurposing? Let us know.

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